Choice Oysters

Great Bay, New Hampshire

Choice Oysters is a small New Hampshire oyster farm. We are locally owned and operated and our oysters are grown in the chilled waters of the Great Bay estuary.

Our oysters that you eat are fresh, organic and sustainable.

“As I ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea and their faint metallic taste that the cold white wine washed away, leaving only the sea taste and the succulent texture, and as I drank their cold liquid from each shell and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine, I lost the empty feeling and began to be happy and to make plans.”
Ernest Hemmingway, A Moveable Feast

As oysters mature and flourish in their marine habitat, they acquire an individual flavor which can reflect a particular region, similar to wine. As you move north along the east coast to our estuary, with long winters and cooler waters, Choice Oysters have been described as having a hearty shell and a firm texture with a healthy nip of salt. Take a taste, let us know what you think!

Little Bay, NH 12/06/2012

Little Bay, NH 12/06/2012

Oyster seed in a growout bag

Oyster seed in a growout bag

Recycled Oyster Shell for Restoration

Recycled Oyster Shell for Restoration

Sustainable Farming

Growing Choice Oysters...  Is a labor of love, and oysters are a unique organism. Filtering approximately 30 gallons of water a day, oysters are an important species to our estuaries. Whether they are on a natural reef or held in "cages" on a farm they are still filter feeding which improves water clarity, making it possible for plants and other organisms to thrive. Natural oyster reefs and farms create habitat for lobsters, crabs and other estuarine creatures and spawning each summer populates natural reefs throughout the bay. Living in and filtering our clean, cool, NH water, gives our oysters their unique flavor and firm texture that I know you will love!

Because oysters filter feed, there isn't a need for oysters to be fed like other forms of aquaculture. They naturally feed on phytoplankton in the water column. Pesticides and other pest control options are not needed and are never used.


Oyster Reef Restoration

Here at Choice Oysters... we give back to the bay that provides us the perfect conditions to bring you the perfect New Hampshire oyster. As a farmer, I have been able to restore 3 acres of natural oyster reefs back in to Great Bay. The restoration sites are located in the mouths of the Lamprey and Squamscott Rivers near 2 large historic beds that have thrived for years. Work includes placing oyster and clam shell on to the river bottom which acts as a reef base. I have also worked with the University of New Hampshire and The Nature Conservancy to remote set oyster spat (baby oysters) on recycled oyster shell which are then transferred to the reef base to give the new reef a kick-start.

Oyster shells from New Hampshire's recreational harvest, local restaurants and markets are recycled and used as cultch (hard substrate)  for remote set oysters used in restoration.


* Now serving Salty Girlz and Little Bay Littles